wine labels
09 Jun
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Winery owners do not have the luxury of providing samples to every consumer looking to buy wine and that is why they need to design wine labels that will convince undecided shoppers to choose their brands. It is important to have a label that brings out the personality of your brand.

A wine label should communicate a brand’s uniqueness and also increase the wine’s perceived value. A wine label does not just provide information to consumers about your wine, but it is also the first contact consumers will have with your product and the biggest piece of advertising. So, why is it important to add a sparkling glow to your wine labels?

Gives The Impression Of “High Quality”

Study shows that human brain is able to take in 11 million bits of information per second, but only 40 bits of the information are processed. That means that our brains are unable to process most of the information provided and instead take shortcuts. What does this mean? It means that human brain is able to process the quality of a product by simply looking at packaging and labeling. If you put two bottles of wines together, one designed using a sparkling glow and the other labeled using ordinary paper, automatically the majority of consumers will assume the one with a sparkling glow is better and more expensive. Wine lovers always go for the exotic types of wine and they are more likely to choose the first wine rather than the second one. That is how powerful label designs are when it comes to influencing sales.

Helps Consumers Remember Your Product

Not all consumers are able to remember the name of every product they buy. Such kind of consumers rely on colors and graphics on the labels to be able to remember a product. You need to create a wine label that is not only appealing, but also one that is easy to remember. For example, you can incorporate the use of imagery that you know will relate to your wine and one that will resonate with the consumers.

Shows Experience And Expertise

No one wants to spend their money on cheaply produced products. Adding a sparkling glow to your wine labels shows consumers that you are selling high-end wines and also shows them that you have experience in this field. Using cheap stickers or labels lowers your wine value and no one will really want to buy it. Most consumers who use wine associate it with being classy and so they will look for wine that fits their lifestyle.

Bottom Line

If you are a new winery owner, or you have been struggling to increase your wine sales, it is time think how to redesign your wine labels. First, you need to work with an experienced graphics designer who has experience in designing wine labels. Secondly, use a label printing company with vast experience to help you print labels tailored to the wine industry. The label printing company will help you pick the right label materials to bring out that sparkling glow on your wine.