cosmetic labels
12 Feb
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Studies have shown that shoppers judge and discriminate a product’s labeling and packaging for what it is and what it isn’t. Most small business owners think that the hardest part of getting ahead of their competition is by getting their products on the store shelves. You can work hard to get a spot on the store shelves for your products, but then again your products can just end up sitting there collecting dust. The main aim of every business is to reach their target audience and convince them to buy their products in order to keep the business alive. Study shows that one third of consumers make their purchase decisions based on a product’s packaging and labeling. How well are your cosmetic labels designed? Are your labels market ready? Here are ways you can ensure your cosmetic products’ labeling are market ready.

Ensure Labeling Is functional And Stands Out

When walking down a store aisle, you find that uniquely shaped product containers pull you in. For this reason, before you can design a label, you need to first consider the shape of your product packaging. Make it unique and if possible, package your cosmetic product in a container that is uniquely and oddly shaped to make your product stand out. Additionally, you have to design your labels to the shape of your containers to ensure they fit well. In this case, you have to be careful on the type of label material you choose to ensure that the label will stick perfectly on the container. Don’t forget to use label materials that will be functional. This means you need to use label materials that are easy and durable and can withstand abrasion like squeezing if need be.

Make Your Product Information Transparent

Today, most consumers are very keen on the information provided on a product before they decide to buy. This is very particular especially when it comes to cosmetic products. A survey conducted recently showed that 37% of consumers are willing to switch to another brand if it offers more detailed information. Take advantage of this fact to include more details about your product on your labels. Provide information like how to use the product, benefits of the product and why your product is better. Be concise in you language to avoid inconsistencies and misinformation. Use simple language and words to avoid confusing the consumers.

Use The Right Font

The font you use on your product label will help set the tone for your product’s brand. Use easy and modern to read letters to allow consumers scan through the information on your label fast. Color, size and font style helps to stir up various types of consumer emotions. Depending on your target audience, use font that connects to the right lifestyle, race, gender or age. Avoid using multiple fonts on your label design so as not to affect your product’s perception.

Bring Your Contents To Life Using Visuals

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. This phrase is particularly true when it comes to marketing cosmetic products. Incorporate images on your product labels to help connect shoppers to your product. Various cosmetic products come in various scents and the use of colors and images can help represent the scent of a particular product to define the smell more than using words.