Why You Should Use Labels For Organizing Dry Produce & Spices In Your Kitchen
19 Feb
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Reorganizing your kitchen is no arduous task at all, and it will save everyone at home calories, money and time for months to come! Until you do this, you will realize how wonderful and gratifying it is to have an organized and spotless kitchen. If you have an overflowing pantry of spices, it will take you less than twenty minutes to organize it! If you have a container set and some inkjet-compatible labels, you are armed and ready to get to work.

For best results, you will want to get containers that feature a square design and flat lids so that it is easy for you to stack them to maximize the available space. Try to get containers that come with pop-open lids as well! When you have decided which foods go to which containers, you can label them with food and drink labels or spice labels for increased clarity. Not convinced that reorganizing brings you benefits? Read on.

Encourages You to Prepare More Home-Cooked Meals

By now, you are already aware of the cons that come with eating out. Yes, the problems pertain to calories. You see, home-cooked meals are proven to have less than 50% fat, sodium and calories of anything you order off a menu. When you are reminded that you have dry produce such as coconut, you’re going to be more inclined to prepare homemade granola bars with it!

Helps You Avoid Making Unnecessary Purchases

Are you familiar with the scenario of heading to a supermarket because you are low on almonds, and then return home to realize that you have a five-pound bag that is intact in your kitchen. When you print labels for unopened bags and stating their contents, you will find this issue un-relatable. Try it!

Reduce Food Wastage

Do you have a habit of disposing your box of rice when the remainder is ¼ cup or less? With clearly-labeled rice containers, you will never have to toss anything away and consider it a loss again. You will know when you are running out of any dry produce, and you just need add more rice to the container.

Indicate Junk, Trigger Foods So They Can Be Hidden

Do you find it difficult to resist that translucent bag of chocolate candy every time you enter your kitchen? Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong about it as many people feel the same way. With the smart combination of candy labels and containers, you can easily hide them in the farthest corners of your kitchen cabinets. If they are out of sight, they are out of your thoughts.

Make Health Foods More Visible

If you store health foods or whole grains like quinoa and faro at home, and in bags, now is a good time to take them out of their present places and relocate them somewhere that’s more centralized. With easy-to-read labels, they will appear more eye-catching and you feel more inclined to cook with them. So, no matter how much chia seeds you keep in your kitchen; if you do not consume them, you never get to enjoy their nutritious and healthy benefits!