Your Packaging Design Matters!
26 Feb
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There many different reasons why packaging exist. For starters, brand visibility and functionality are two of the most important reasons. When you create a packaging for your products, you will want to ensure that it stands out when it is placed next to your competitors’ products. You will be able to grow your brand in your own way without mimicking others.

It is pertinent that you engage a good designer that can create effective packaging designs for you. They should know which elements will have the biggest impact on existing and potential customers. If you did not pay much attention to packaging in the past, you should know that it matters! Here’s what you should know when it comes to packaging designs and why it matters.

Effective Designs Help Customers Make Decisions – In Your Favor

You should note that over 65% of purchase decisions are made when a customer browses a store’s shelves. This is a significant percentage and a good packaging design can make your product stand out. Just like in real-life conversations, words in the form of written text can also sway a customer’s decision to buy your product over one they have been using.

You will also want to include your products’ advantages and make sure it’s printed somewhere that’s easily noticeable. When you discover the elements that draw people to your product, you can implement them in your packaging design and it can go a long way in terms of increased business.

Packaging Designs Can Create a Wow-Factor

When designing your packaging design, it is vital that you consider the elements that allow your packaging become something that cannot be missed by potential customers. The text and colors are just as important as the whole design, giving consumers that extra boost that’s needed to stand out.

Coming up with a wow-factor may not be an easy task so do not be disheartened when you find it challenging. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. When you surpass that certain threshold, you will get the hang of it and achieve greater success than your competitors’ packaging designs. To keep it simple, just think of the things that make consumers want to learn more about your product (based on the packaging).

Oftentimes, vibrant and bright are the types of colors that can draw eyes to your product, so using them in your designs is definitely a good start. Remember, the wow-factor is a type of reaction that all brands and designers should strive for. You would most likely purchase something when it’s visually appealing to you right?

Helps with Conversion

The purpose of your products’ packaging is to help with conversion, so you should always brainstorm for ideas while pretending that you are the customer. You should think what would draw you towards a new product offered by a company. Is there something specific that makes you want to have a closer look? In addition, you should think of your own shopping behaviors and get the opinions of your family, friends and even colleagues. This will give invaluable insight into the average consumers’ shopping trends and habits.

At Cut Sheet Labels, you can use our blank label templates to create something that’s uniquely yours! Check out our website and you will know easy it is to create your own labels!